Welcome to "Riaktions reaction" - a gaming blog. I am someone who loves to talk, debate and write about games in all thier forms and hopefully my blog will inspire the same!
Gaming is the new past time of choice and its now out of its underground infancy and firmly acceptable to tell your girlfriend about. Its my favourite hobbie, something I care about deeply and whatever happens to this industry, I intend to be along for the ride. Hope you enjoy the blog. :o)
Yes thats right, I entered a quick competion that the kind people at Gamezebo.com where running, and I won!
Hooray! Therefore I wanted to pubicly say thank you to them and point all of you in thier direction for your casual game reviews and news!
So what did I win?
1 free game at GOG.com (good old games) where old PC games are released to work on new Windows systems for low low prices. Hooray again! I decided to pick up Freeapce 1 & the expansion, introduction below....
Also I won £10 on the lottery this weekend... BONUS!
Make sure you put Rock Paper Shotgun in your favourites, its a site well worth reading if you want to keep up with the strange new world of gaming.
In other news I picked up Dragon Age anyway and on the 2 hours I have played its looks to be excellent. The voice acting really stands out, in a good way, and I am looking forward to playing through the epic story.
Hey all sorry I haven't updated the blog in a LONG time, if I am honest I have been saving up tings to write about... and there will be a GLUT of updates soon. I have thoughts on piracy, Borderlands, Batman Arkam Asylum, Dirt 2, FIFA 10, Wolfenstien and the Far Cry2 movie (yes movie).
In the meantime however, my usual Internet haunt the mighty Rock, paper, Shotgun are currently running a rather generous competition about upcoming mega RPG Dragon Age.
Now for the attention of Jim, Kieron, Alan & John, my entry is below:
And so our hero stepped from the tower of magic... and he was... unremarkable.
A mage of moderate magical prowess, of moderate tastes, moderate views and moderate fashion sense.
He loved the magic circle, mostly for the grey shade of robe he could wear. The constant instruction to resist temptation.. to be dull. It was great!
He wears a smirk (which can be seen on his portrait)... one someone could only wear when completely confident in his own adequateness.
It is if the gods themselves, the creators of this indifferent hero simply let their tools of divine creation rest in the middle, the centre... the boring boring middle of the road. Nothing to either extreme.
He is our hero, your hero and he is normal. They named him well.
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